Was Michael Jackson Black Enough?

Willa:  This week Joie and I wanted to dance with one of those elephants in the room and address the recurring criticism that Michael Jackson wasn’t “Black enough.” We’re not talking about skin color. We’re talking about the criticism that began way back in the 1970s and 80s, when critics would look at his penny loafers and his public persona and say he wasn’t doing enough to embrace his Black heritage.

Joie:  OK, this is a hard one for me. Not because I don’t know where I stand on this issue but, because this question makes me a little angry for a couple of reasons. One of them is that it’s a question that has been leveled at me on more than one occasion. I had a very middle-class upbringing and the schools I went to in the 1970s and ’80s were a pretty good mix of Black and White. But because I chose not to strictly hang out with only the other Black kids and instead had many friends who were White, suddenly I was trying to be a White girl. And this criticism came not just from other Black kids, but from one of my own siblings as well. Never mind the fact that I had more in common with the kids I chose to hang out with than I did the kids who looked like me. That, apparently wasn’t the point. But here’s the thing… I’m still not really sure what the point is and I don’t believe anyone else knows either.

My nephew, whom I adore, recently graduated from Morehouse College. It’s an all Black, all male campus (its female counterpart, Spelman, is just across the road). I asked him what he thought of this “Black enough” question and I have to admit I was a little saddened by his response. Saddened because he said that even on an all Black campus, there were guys who had to endure this same criticism – either because of the way they dressed (like fitted clothes instead of baggy or relaxed hair instead of natural) or who they dated (White girlfriends instead of Black). Well, by that standard, there are any number of Black people out there – both male and female (myself included) who are just not Black enough anymore! Why, oh why didn’t someone tell me that by relaxing my hair and entering into an interracial marriage that I was selling out my race! Oh the shame!! Guess it’s a good thing I’m a firm believer that we all come from the same race – the Human one!

Willa:  Joie, that sentence, “I’m still not really sure what the point is and I don’t believe anyone else knows either,” really caught my attention. Because what exactly is the underlying issue here? I do understand the fear that a group’s cultural heritage will be lost. I really do get that. My grandfather’s grandmother was Potawatomi, but except for a few quilt squares they made together when he was a child and an old sepia-toned photograph, I have no access to my great-great-grandmother or to that culture. That’s all completely lost to me. If I’m filling out a form and have to check a box to identify myself, I check White. Even if I’m allowed to check more than one box, I still only check White. Genetically I’m a little bit Potawatomi, but culturally I’m not, and it would feel presumptuous to me to claim a connection to a heritage I know nothing about. I really regret that that heritage has been lost to me, but at this point it has.

At the same time, I find it very troubling when commentators, especially White commentators, criticize Michael Jackson or President Obama or any Black public figure for allegedly not embracing a more-traditional Black identity. For one thing, it assumes there’s only one definition of Black and that everyone who is Black should conform to it. I know if I were shopping at the grocery store in jeans and a t-shirt and a man came up to me and told me I needed to embrace my femininity, I’d be pretty taken aback by it – and a little offended, frankly. What right does he have to impose his ideas about what’s feminine onto me? I get to decide for myself what’s feminine and what isn’t, or whether or not I even want to be feminine, whatever that means, and I think most people would agree with me. 

Yet somehow it’s OK for White commentators to impose their definition of what’s Black onto Michael Jackson. And generally when they say that, it doesn’t feel like it’s expressing concern for Black culture. It feels like a put-down, of a really manipulative and insidious kind.

Joie:  That’s because it is a put-down. But here’s what really bothers me about this issue, Willa, and it’s something that you just touched on. And I would like for all of those doing the criticizing to really pay attention and understand this:  what is a “traditional Black identity?” Because the truth is that whatever your response is to that question will undoubtedly be a stereotype. There is NO SUCH THING as a “traditional Black identity.” There are as many different “kinds” of Black people as there are shades of Black. We come from all walks of life, from all social and economic backgrounds – contrary to what the media would have you believe! And why is it that if I’m listening to Rap music and talking in slang, that’s OK but, if I’m listening to Heavy Metal and speaking articulately, then I have lost touch with my heritage? In my nephew’s words…. why are we allowing pop culture to be the measuring stick by which we decide who’s “Black enough?” In order to really be Black you have to wear certain clothes and listen to/sing certain music and date certain people and speak a certain way? That’s just plain silly. And that line of thinking that insists all Black people must conform to a certain stereotype is, in a way, its own weird form of internal, self-imposed racism. I don’t understand that thinking at all. I mean, if all Black people went through life taking this view to heart, how much beauty and wonder would the world be deprived of because of it? Would there even be a Michael Jackson for us to discuss then?

So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, YES! Michael Jackson was plenty Black enough. And so are Darius Rucker and Charlie Pride, for that matter! Whoever said that music has to be color-coded? Who said that our Black public figures had to fit into some imaginary stereotypical pigeon hole in order to be seen as valid? Why can’t we simply take pride in the fact that Michael Jackson – a proud Black man – became the greatest, most celebrated entertainer of all time, beloved by millions the world over? Why can’t we take pride in the knowledge that Michael Jackson – a proud Black man – became the most influential musical innovator in the world; he never followed the trends, he set them! Why can’t we just celebrate the fact that Michael Jackson – a proud Black man – is responsible for the biggest-selling album in history? He will forever be known as the one and only King of Pop. A Black man did that! A proud, beautiful, strong, hard-working Black man did all that and so much more! Why can’t we just celebrate him instead of accusing him of not being “Black enough?”

I guess the real reason this question upsets me is because I find it extremely insulting that it is never asked of anyone else. No one ever asks is Jackie Chan Chinese enough or is Robin Thicke White enough? I mean really, let’s just look at that for a minute. Robin Thicke is a very talented singer with a really wonderful voice. But he sings R&B and he kind of talks Black and he is married to a beautiful Black woman so, I don’t know…. I think maybe he’s sold out his White heritage. Is anybody worried about that?

Willa:  That’s a really interesting point, and one I’d never thought about before. I’ve never once in my life questioned if I was White enough, and I’ve never felt I had to rein myself in or second guess myself or limit myself in any way to conform with my racial identification. I can wear my hair straight or permed or even in dreadlocks, I can have French toast for breakfast and sushi for lunch and fish tacos for supper, I can fall under the spell of a book by Toni Morrison or Leslie Marmon Silko or Maxine Hong Kingston, and it’s simply not an issue. Because I’m White and belong to the “dominant” culture, I can explore other cultures as much as I want and it doesn’t threaten my identity in any way. And no one ever questions that. I could be accused of appropriating someone else’s culture, which is a whole other issue. But I’ve never had to deal with the kinds of external criticisms or internal self-doubts you’re talking about.

Maybe that’s what Michael Jackson was referring to in the rap section of “Black or White” when he wrote, “I’m not going to spend my life being a color.” I believe Michael Jackson resisted anything that led us to limit ourselves, including our age, gender, nationality, sexuality, or racial identification. As you said, he “was plenty Black enough” – he was a direct heir of James Brown and Jackie Wilson and Sammy Davis, Jr., and was very proud of that – but he reserved the right to define for himself what it means to be Black.

Ideally, everyone should have that right of self-definition, of defining for ourselves who we are and who we want to be. Artists tend to experiment with that right of self-definition more than most people – and no one pushed that right of self-definition further than Michael Jackson did. He absolutely refused to be boxed in by other people’s expectations of him. If he wanted to wear red lipstick, he did. However, that resistance to cultural expectations has a long history as well. Josephine Baker and James Baldwin severely challenged the cultural roles laid out for them, but that doesn’t in any way suggest that they didn’t respect their Black heritage. Instead, they were extending it, and creating a new chapter in the history of Black culture. And as you described so well, Michael Jackson boldly created a whole new chapter all his own. 

I think Michael Jackson was a transformative cultural figure who profoundly influenced how we as a people perceive and experience the differences that segment and divide us – differences of race, gender, age, religion, nationality, sexuality – and I believe he was the most important artist of our time. Not the most important Black artist. The most important artist, period. No artist since Warhol has challenged and changed us the way Michael Jackson did. And ironically, he accomplished that, in part, by defying the very constraints he’s accused of transgressing.

Joie:  Wow. I love the way you put that: “…by defying the very constraints he’s accused of transgressing.” You’re so right. And I really believe it was his goal to unite the world – all races, all colors, all nationalities – through his gift of music. He once told reporter Sylvia Chase:

“When they’re all holding hands, and everybody’s rockin’ and all colors of people are there, all races… it’s the most wonderful thing. Politicians can’t even do that!”

The awe in his voice as he said those words to her is so real and so reverent, you just know that he truly is moved by the sight of it. You can feel it in his voice and I believe that he really felt what he sang in “Black or White”:  “If you’re thinkin’ of being my brother / it don’t matter if you’re Black or White.” I believe those lyrics really spoke to him and were important to him. I think on the surface, it was seen by most people as a sweet,”can’t-we-all-just-get-along,” yeah unity type of song but, really it was a very serious message that he was trying to get across to us all. It really doesn’t matter if you’re Black or White, and all of the judging and the labeling is only serving to keep us all down. Is someone Black enough? White enough? Chinese enough? Puerto Rican enough? That’s not even a valid question. Certainly not one that anybody – of any race – should ever be asking of anyone else because only the individual can answer that question. Only I have the right to ask if I’m Black enough just like only you, Willa, have the right to ask if you’re White enough. And only Michael Jackson had the right to question whether or not he was Black enough. And I think he answered that question for us over and over again both in his art and in the causes he chose to support, like the United Negro College Fund and the Equality For Blacks in the Music World conference.


About Dancing with the Elephant contributors

Joie Collins is a founding member of the Michael Jackson Fan Club (MJFC). She has written extensively for MJFC, helping to create the original website back in 1999 and overseeing both the News and History sections of the website. Over the years she conducted numerous interviews on behalf of MJFC and also directed correspondence for the club. She also had the great fortune to be a guest at Neverland. She has been a Michael Jackson fan since she was three years old. Lisha McDuff is a classically trained professional musician who for 30 years made her living as a flutist, performing in orchestras and for major theatrical touring productions. Her passion for popular musicology led her to temporarily leave the orchestra pit and in June 2013 she received a Master’s degree in Popular Music Studies from the University of Liverpool. She’s continuing her studies at McMaster University, where she is working on a major research project about Michael Jackson, with Susan Fast as her director. Willa Stillwater is the author of M Poetica: Michael Jackson's Art of Connection and Defiance and "Rereading Michael Jackson," an article that summarizes some of the central ideas of M Poetica. She has a Ph.D. in English literature, and her doctoral research focused on the ways in which cultural narratives (such as racism) are made real for us by being "written" on our bodies. She sees this concept as an important element of Michael Jackson's work, part of what he called social conditioning. She has been a Michael Jackson fan since she was nine years old.

Posted on September 1, 2011, in Michael Jackson and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 27 Comments.

  1. Hugh van der Maarel

    hi there,

    This question is simply not relevant. Michael had so much talent and such a likeable character that people simply looked beyond the color, He became universal. Black people should be proud of him because he was black but white people such as myself recognised so much in him as well. As a child michael had such an open, show all character that it attracted all races. He lost that openess a little as an adult, no wonder with what they put him through, but was still ferocious on stage. Michael transcended race and became universal. we should all be proud of that instead of trying to claim it

    kind regards.

    • Nicely said, Hugh! Michael did become universal. And really if you think about it, there aren’t many entertainers out there today who have the same global appeal that he did and still does. Michael fans come in all shades of colors, all nationalities and all age groups. That’s very unique considering how polarizing different musical genres can sometimes be but, Michael has this massive, universal appeal that no one else can even dream of matching.

  2. When Michael’s videos came out..from off the wall and Thiller..we all said he was the cutest Black kid we had ever seen..he was handsome and so talented..!!!After that I was color blind to him..it didnt matter that his skin became whiter..it wasnt a Caucasin white it was a skin disorder white..we never thought he was becoming a white person..he had a skin disorder..And Michael was color blind..he hired the best people whether they were black or white..he had girlfriends of both and mixed races..and he fell in love with who he fell in love with..I dont think any of was a calculated mission to do anything else..I agree with Hugh above he transcended race,,all around the world..I would have liked to know from Michael..if he thought people treated him different when he was whiter than when he was black….I hope he would say it was always LOVE..he is so Missed..!!

    • Cody, I would like to hope that he would say it was always LOVE but, sadly, I don’t believe that he would be able to say that. Some people were very cruel to him over the years and it only got worse the lighter his skin became.

  3. All I want to say is that I really love your blog, the insights are brilliant! I read Willa’s excerpt from her book and while I don’t agree 100% with the interpretations I read there, I still admire the writing.

    Looking forward to more dances with the elephant.

    • Thanks, Kathy! Willa and I are having a great time talking about Michael’s work and his impact on our culture and being able to share our conversation with other fans has been a really wonderful experience so far. I hope you come back often and share your point of view with us!

    • Hi Kathy. You know, it’s perfectly OK if we see things different ways. Joie and I don’t always agree either, and we don’t hold back in expressing our opinions to each other. It can get pretty wild sometimes! But we still respect each other’s viewpoints, even when we disagree, and I always know that a conversation with Joie is going to be fun and engaging, and leave me thinking about something in a new way. I think we often learn more from people who challenge our perspective than those who agree with us.

  4. OMG..I have been searching for a conversation and point of view like the two of you have just expressed for a very long time…way before the passing of Mr Jackson. I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of him and the way in which he chose to deal with his existence as a famous Black man in America. Trust me…..I know first hand…it ain’t easy! I am a proud African American woman with extremely fair skin. I was born and raised in the south by a proud African American family who always put God first. That being said, I think that the idea of “black enough” is lost in translation when put in place of being “brave enough” to challenge us to be loving, giving and accepting human beings….period. We as Black people, especially, should understand this concept and only embrace Michael Jackson with pride and a determination to not let his efforts to bring us all together be lost in translation of being “black enough”. RIP Michael

    • Ajg, I couldn’t have said it better myself. “Brave enough.” That’s really profound when you think about it in terms of fighting racial prejudice – something that Michael Jackson did throughout his career. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  5. Thanks Joie and Willa,for speaking the truth,i believe the truth is that people who make such derogatory statements that Michael wasn’t black enough,are racists thinkers whether black or white.
    Racism can only be defeated when we are color blind and love people as human beings they are.
    God bless you ladies.
    MJ is forever King!

    • Thanks, Mike!

    • Hi Mike. Like you, I find the criticism that Michael Jackson wasn’t “black enough” to be a put-down or “derogatory.” But I also think the fear that your cultural heritage will be lost is very real, and it isn’t restricted to black culture. I know there is a very real concern in the Jewish community that, having survived the Holocaust, they now face “annihilation by assimilation.” Apparently one factor driving the rise in Islamic fundamentalism is fear of modernity and a kind of cultural empiricism. And in France there are actual language rules to restrict the encroachment of anglicisms like “le hot dog” and “le supermarche.”

      My personal feeling is that culture is a living thing, like a plant, and you can’t protect it by locking it in a safe, any more than you can protect a plant by digging it up by its roots and locking it in a safe. It will die. For a culture to live and thrive, it needs to grow and interact with a changing environment. I strongly believe that, in the U.S., both black and white culture are strong and vibrant, and they both benefit from their constant interplay with one another. I think you could easily make the argument that black culture has influenced white culture, particularly in the arts, just as much as white has influenced black. And I think one reason Michael Jackson’s work is so rich and multi-textured is that he didn’t limit himself but drew from many different influences – James Brown and Fred Astaire, Jackie Wilson and Marcel Marceau, the Apollo Theater and vaudeville and Hollywood musicals, hip hop and NBA basketball and Andy Warhol – to create something new and amazing and uniquely his own.

  6. J&W: I would love it if you took this “black enough” conversation even further. It has never been clear to me–because it has not been discussed enough–just why the public in general and the media specifically simply could not grant the man the fact that he had vitiligo. Even when he said it years ago in the Oprah interview as clearly as it could possibly be said, it still did not quite the years and years of unending criticism of him “wanting to be white” or bleaching his skin to be white. Only last week at clicking some random link–after more hours of reading about Michael Jackson than I care to remember!–did I stumbled on a conversation that talked about how painful and what a loss it must have been for Michael to loose his outer visual of blackness when he so identified himself as a black man. My god, think about just the simple act of his going to dinner with his family, sitting around the table and seeing black faces everywhere except in the mirror. What a loss that must have been for him! I had not read anywhere until then any acknowledgment of what it must have felt like for HIM.
    I also personally think it is part of what fuels the extreme negativity toward him for those who vehemently cling to their belief of his guilt even after the facts of his acquittal. “They” simply could not grant him his innocence on either front. What a painful price he paid for both.

    • Grace, it’s funny you should say that because Willa and I also felt that this conversation had not been explored enough yet so, we are currently working on next week’s post where we will discuss Michael’s skin color. And I happen to agree with you that it must have been incredibly difficult for him.

      You mentioned that his skin color is part of what fuels the extreme negativity towards him for those who cling to their belief in his guilt… you could be right. It’s like “they” believe that anything that came out of his mouth was a lie – they didn’t believe him when he said he had a skin disease, they didn’t believe him when he said he did nothing inappropriate with children, they didn’t believe him when he said his message was love. It’s very sad. I have always felt like Michael was the most tortured soul on this planet. All he ever tried to do was make others happy and bring a little love into the world but he was tortured for it almost every day of his life.

  7. Well people are entitled to have a fear that their culture will be lost. We can sit here and pretend race does not matter, but it does. Even these people who you all are talking about, knew race exist. Let trouble come their way. The first thing these people are going to do is run back to their race for support (even MJ did this when he got in trouble in 1993). I think with the black community, blacks do not know who is who because of the self hatred that have existed in the coummity. Blacks have good reason to ask this question. Sorry but some blacks will “sell out” if they think it will get they in good grace with whites and hide behind ” I do not judge color” when it fact they judge and hate their own race. I look at the “intentions” when this kind of issue come up. Sorry “self-race hatred” exist just like racism exist. And for the record, Robin THicke wife is HALF white.

    • Tammy, I agree with you to a point. In our society, there are a few unfortunate lost souls who do hate their own race. However, I do not believe for a minute that Michael Jackson was one of those people. He told us over and over again exactly how he felt about his race and his heritage. And this is actually something that Willa and I are planning to talk about in next week’s blog post so, be sure to come back and check it out.

      As for your comment about some Blacks “selling out” – I agree that there are people out there (of every race) that will turn their backs on the things that were once important to them in order to move ahead or climb the corperate ladder, so to speak. But again, I do not believe that everyone who does this has a hatred for their race.

      And, for the record, I know that Robin Thicke’s wife Paula, is half White. However, historically speaking, a single drop of Black blood makes an individual Black – both in the eyes of society and in the eyes of the law.

  8. this conversation for me would not be complete without adding something about Michael’s children… there is always speculation on whether they too are “black” enough?

    • Mare, I completely understand where you’re coming from, but I think Michael’s children would almost have to be a separate conversation. And I say that simply because there is so much speculation surrounding them. But you raise a good point. This just might be a future blog topic that Willa and I may explore soon.

  9. Thanks so much, Willa and Joie, for initiating this conversation. I look forward to reading your book, Willa (as soon as I can carve out some time), and to keeping up with these needed interpretations of Michael’s life and work.

    I wonder if either of you are familiar with an independent filmmaker by the name of Marlon Riggs, who made a number of groundbreaking personal documentaries on some of these issues. I can specifically recommend his film “Black Is…. Black Ain’t,” completed posthumously (sadly, Riggs died of AIDS in 1994). Here is a description, from Netflix:

    Black Is…Black Ain’t
    (1994) NR
    In this stirring documentary, director Marlon Riggs shines a light on traditional black stereotypes — even those held within the African-American community — and offers a new take on “blackness” itself. Released the same year Riggs died from AIDS, the film also examines homosexuality and includes penetrating commentary from leading black voices such as bell hooks, Angela Davis and Cornel West.

  10. Super article and super comments from everyone, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them all. I totally see how confusing it gets when someone like Michael refuses to take an ethnocentric position in favor of a world-centric position. He saw the world in such an expansive way and excluded nothing and no one from his world view. He was an early flowering of true global consciousness. Wherever there was a boundary, he made it his business to knock it down and encouraged people to see one human race. I hope that as more and more of us move into this kind of thinking that we will be grateful for such a visionary who had the courage to move us forward like this. He did have to endure a lot of back lash, but he truly changed the way we think. As an American, I have to admit my heart swells with pride when I think of one of our own who dazzled the whole world with such brilliance. It gives me a lot of reasons to want to admire and celebrate our African American traditions and talent but at the same time I want to recognize our unity in diversity. Celebrate diversity! Perhaps that’s the way we hang on to our culture but move forward into world-centric thinking at the same time?

  11. I gave this some more thought and you should really ask the question why african americans apparentely sometimes feel he was not sensible enough to his african american heritage. For me it is clear that he was. He made multiple donations to the black community and saw him hug just as much black kids as white kids. No question there. I think it has to do with discrimination against the black community for so long. A lot has improved, america has a black president and Michael was very important in breaking that race barrier, but it is still there and there is still a lot of work to be done. If you compare this to elvis presley, people did not feel the need to say “he was not white enough”. That’s because white people were already comfortable in their own skin. They did not feel the need to claim him for their own race and even thought his black sound was kind of cool, rightly so. I think some people in the black community still need the acknowledgment for their race for someone that was so successful all over the world and I understand that completely. They should be proud of it But Michael was a succesfully launched rocket that went into orbid and on his way up he included all races and nationalities and as is the case with all successful people, sometimes the people left behind want acknowledgment that at one time he passed my station too. Bless you Michael,could not listen to your music for a week after june 25, so angry and sad, but going nuts to “billy jean”and “dont stop” every single day.Thanks for all the joy. lots of love.


  12. just want to leave one more general point. Michael was a big thinker. he thought outside of the box. In his work,his videos, and his life and attitude towards other races. This came very natural to him and it is very positive thinking because it includes everybody. However, sometimes this is threatening to people who want to stick to their own. They are not automatically negative people but just want to feel safe and secure in the group they know. This kind of thinking becomes very negative when it becomes extremism as we see in terrorist groups and people like breivik in norway. Michaels legacy is his inlcusiveness of all people by means of big thinking. Lets all embrace it

  13. I have a challenge for all: when you start your next day, start it by telling yourself, I WILL JUDGE NOTHING TODAY. Right now you are probably saying ” I’m not judgmental. ” I think you will be surprised. Those shoes don’t match that outfit ; what is SHE doing with that guy? These types of judgment go unheard most of the time but they are damaging to the one doing the judging. It promotes a since of, I’m better than they are, and if you really focus on yourself you will see what i mean.
    I have been stopping myself when i catch it and it has been an eye opener and it has caused a deeper love and understanding and patience for other people for me.

    • Hi Pamela. I’m intrigued by your challenge, and I love the way you expanded this topic to include all our little daily judgments and prejudices. You know, Michael Jackson wasn’t just criticized for crossing racial boundaries. He was also ridiculed for simply not being “normal” – for wearing makeup and masks and talking to mannequins and climbing trees, for his soft voice and bold sense of style, even for being friends with people who commentators felt were outside his “normal” peer group, like Elizabeth Taylor and Liza Minnelli, Macaulay Culkin and Sean Lennon, even a chimpanzee. So I’m going to try your challenge today and see if I learn anything about my own judgments and prejudices. Thanks for sharing this idea.

  14. Thank you both for having this discussion. There are so many great comments here. I find this discussion very interesting. I grew up with Michael and the J5 and I did not think of them as “black” artists. I absolutely loved their music for what it was; same with Michael when he went solo. Michael’s music spoke to me then and it speaks to me even more clearly now after June 25, 2009. Like many people I find Michael’s gift of love, creativity, musical gifts, talent, spirit, generosity, humility, grace; etc., traits that I appreciate and embrace very deeply. Those attributes speak to me, not race or whatever. I request that those who ask that question, to look into their own heart and ask why they want to know. Is it something inside their own heart and thinking? As a society (and Michael talks about this), we are conditioned to think a certain way about various topics. This is why Michael loved and understood children, because there is no conditioning on how we should view other people, especially if we think they do not look like us. Children don’t see color and Michael didn’t either. I know I’m stating the obvious here, but I just wanted to share a few of my thoughts. Unfortunately, until people start to see that we are all ONE race (human race) as you so beautifully stated and created by the same creator, this problem of “us” and “them” will continue. I commend you both for taking on this topic. It is so important that we stand strong and look at the issues that impact our society and that Michael was so passionate about highlighting in his work. I look forward reading more of your insights. Thank you.

  15. I don’t get the “not black enough” comment either. I thought it was not supposed to matter what color your skin is. As long as someone is nice to me, I don’t care what color they are. A comment was also recently made about Whitney. The Black people said that her music wasn’t “black enough”. What in the world is that supposed to mean In other words was she to sing hip hop or rap. Her voice was too beautiful for that and he words and music to her songs were beautiful.

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